Top 10 low maintenance indoor plants 🚰 | Easy to grow indoor plants 🌱

Описание к видео Top 10 low maintenance indoor plants 🚰 | Easy to grow indoor plants 🌱

The current rate of #pollution, the pile of work at office and home, challenges in relationships, etc. – there are many types of #stressful situations in life. Surround yourself with indoor plants at home and you will be able to see the positive effect of the plants. However, just bringing plants at home is not enough. You need to take good care of these plants. From proper #sunlight, regular watering to proper placement – there are many things that you need to keep in mind when you have plants at home. If your busy schedule doesn’t give you much time, low-maintenance indoor plants are best for you. These are fuss-free and can adjust to changing conditions easily. Here is a list of Top 10 #Low #Maintenance Plants:

Top 10 must have indoor plants.
   • Top 10 indoor plants 🌱 | Easy to grow...  

No 1. #Spider Plant.

Spider plants can be kept in hanging planters or upside-down planters. The bushy plant will enliven your home. It is one of the best low-maintenance indoor plants that produce a high amount of oxygen. Another striking character of this plant is that it purifies the air from carbon monoxide, xylene, and formaldehyde. If you have pets or children at your home, then, don’t worry, spider plants are non-toxic. Direct sunlight, indirect sunlight, semi-shady, or dark corners – they will grow everywhere. They are not very thirsty plants and thus you can take a break of 2-3 days before watering them.

No 2. #Peace Lily.
The shiny leaves with white flowers add a layer of peace and harmony to your home. As per NASA, peace lily plant is one of the best plants which is an effective air purifier. Thus, with the presence of peace lily, there won’t be any harmful pollutants in your home. Keep it in your bathroom or any other shady place and see it grow.

No 3. #Lucky Bamboo.
You can grow it in soil and water both. If you are growing it in water then, a change of water every 2 weeks is necessary. The lucky bamboo plants growing on water requires minimal care and thus that option would be better for you. It is believed that the five elements of nature are found in perfect balance in these plants and that’s why they shower good luck and prosperity on people.

No 4. #Snake Plant.
Snake Plant is also known as Mother-in-law’s tongue. It is one of the best indoor plants to clear the atmosphere from all toxins like carbon dioxide, benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene. It is also one of those plants that produce the most oxygen. The best thing about this plant is that it produces oxygen even at night. In return, all it requires is a shady area and minimal water supply.

No 5. #Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is a low maintenance indoor plant which has many benefits. The gel extracted from this plant relieves wounds and burns, adds shine to hair and skin, eliminates constipation, and lowers blood sugar level. There are many such amazing benefits you can draw from this fleshy plant. Just keep it near a sunny window and watch it add miracle in your life. Even when you forget to water it for 3-4 consecutive days – this plant will survive.

No 6. #Money Plant.
One of the most famous indoor plants, the money plant is also known as- devil’s ivy, golden pothos, or silver vine. It can be grown on soil or water both and requires minimal care. In your home or office or shops – this plant will be a great addition. Plus, it is also believed that with the money plant, the financial luck of people also brightens. Low light and watering only when the topsoil is dry are the two most important things to remember about this plant. Money plant also absorbs radiation coming from the TV or laptop or computer.

No 7. #Grape Ivy.
Grape Ivy looks beautiful and will change the whole personality of your indoor space with its gorgeous leaves. Low light, dry air, or minimal watering – this plant will survive all these difficulties and still look beautiful. Apart from making your space more beautiful, this plant also purifies the atmosphere.

No 8. #Areca Palm.
You can keep it near the south or west-facing window as they require indirect or low sunlight. This is one of those indoor plants that grow very fast. It is also known as butterfly palms and they are quite popular as indoor plants because of their low maintenance properties.

No 9. #Begonia.
Begonia is one of the most beautiful flowers that wins hearts easily. Among your leafy greens indoor, begonia will break the monotony. They are tropical perennial plants and thus you will enjoy its view all through the year. Out of all types, you can settle for Begonia Rex which has deep red or purple swirls throughout the leaves.

No 10. #Calathea Peacock.
The beautiful leaves will add charm to your living room or study room. When you have a wall of white or pastel shade, this plant will radiate more with its serene beauty.

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