LIVE: DAY 2 - Fossil Free Coalition Occupies London’s Science Museum

Описание к видео LIVE: DAY 2 - Fossil Free Coalition Occupies London’s Science Museum

More than 30 young people, scientists and supporters are occupying the Science Museum’s new ‘Energy Revolution’ gallery in protest over its sponsorship by Indian coal conglomerate, Adani.

Members of Fossil Free Science Museum*, who plan to remain peacefully on the premises until Sunday morning, object to the Science Museum polishing the image of Adani - the world’s largest private developer of coal-fired power plants - which has trampled on Indigenous human rights in India and Australia, and is profiting from the genocide in Gaza through arms sales to Israel.

👉To find out more about the Science Museum’s long history of fossil fuel sponsorship, head to

👉Give the museum your feedback about Adani’s sponsorship: [email protected]

#DropAdani #StopAdani

*Fossil Free Science Museum is a coalition involving Youth Action for Climate Justice, Scientists for Extinction Rebellion, London Mining Network, International Solidarity for Academic Freedom in India, India Labour Solidarity UK, Students for Survival and numerous Extinction Rebellion groups.


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