Canadian Army Newsreel No.104

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No.104

104.1 Czechs See Canuck Hockey
Canadian 4th Division teams play against each other in an exhibition game in Prague; Captain Red Macavy in nets for the infantry; Gunner Turk Broda, of the National Hockey League, in nets for the artillery.

104.2 B.C. Builds China Coasters
Peacetime shipyards work in Burrard Inlet, Vancouver; a China Coaster ship for use in the Far East is built, launched, and sails away.

104.3 News Parade
Hilversum: Jan Nieuwenhuys aka “Daag” designs posters for the Canadian Army in Holland. Southampton: Secretary of State the Honourable Paul Martin, Justice Minister the Honourable Louis St. Laurent, Eleanor Roosevelt and a U.S. delegation disembark the ship Queen Elizabeth at Southampton, England to attend a United Nations Organization conference; the Mayor of Southampton greets them. Amsterdam: Lieutenant-General Guy Simonds, in his last official act of his command on the continent, presents Burgermeister De Boer with a commemorative plaque to be placed on the Berlagebrug Bridge in Amsterdam that Canadian troops crossed in their drive to liberate the Dutch capital. The Mayor of Westminster, Major Squadron Leader Keeling inspects the Westminster Regiment of B.C. in a palace yard; regimental history; band and parade.

104.4 New System Speeds Airmail
Test of a remote airmail system in Montreal; a mail sack is suspended from a pole; a Norseman bush plane is fitted with a pick-up device; officials watch on; plane takes off; catches mailbag.

104.5 “H.M.C.S. Elstree”
London’s British National Films shoot segments from MEET THE NAVY, starring members of the Canadian Navy circa January 1946; John Pratt, Goodyear and Merton from the Montreal Repertory Company perform a song and dance number; Army personnel invited on the troop ship set (the Elstree) as extras; a chorus number.


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