Canadian Army Newsreel No. 105

Описание к видео Canadian Army Newsreel No. 105

105.1 U.N.O. Conference Opens
The United Nations Organization meets in Central Hall by Westminster Abbey in January 1946; delegates including Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt, Clement Attlee, Louis St. Laurent and Paul Martin arrive before a crowd of soldiers and civilians; interior shots of the hall; the U.N.O. crest; delegates from Britain, the United States, Poland, China, Australia, France and Venezuela at their desks; Paul Henri Spaak of Belgium is announced as the president after an election by a five-vote majority; Spaak takes his seat at the front of the hall and declares the meeting open.

105.2 Germans Gather Winter Fuel
German people cut down trees, gather firewood, gather and process peat and saw logs in a small sawmill.

105.3 Lake Superior Regiment Receives New Colours Lieutenant Colonel Parker, commanding officer of the Lake Superior Regiment, Lieutenant General J.C. Murchie, Chief of Staff, Canadian Military Headquarters, Brigadier K. G. Blackader, and Field Marshal Harold Alexander, the future Governor-General of Canada, preside at an inspection of the regiment on the square at Aldershot; Alexander presents the new colours to the regiment before the regiment heads for home. Shots of the march past with Alexander taking the salute.

105.4 Voice Goes Home
A poster reading “Canadian Legion Home Recording Service” affixed to the side of a portable recording studio in a lorry in Germany. The interior shows a soldier reading his message into a microphone, recording his voice on a disc, and mailing the disc home.

105.5 Army Vehicles Demobbed
Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers classify trucks as they drive by; close-ups of shields, signs, numbers on vehicles. Trucks, armoured cars, tanks, jeeps and other military vehicles parked on a large military vehicle parking lot at the Arnhem Airport, Holland.

105.6 Boom Town Moves
Construction booms in Yellowknife when gold is discovered under the main street; Hudson’s Bay Company sign; a city of shacks under construction; businesses opening up; a crude sign advertising Lee Britnell’s air transport company; a Norseman aircraft taxis away slowly on a lake; test drilling; prospectors staking claims; test processing being carried out in a small smelter; molten gold poured.


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