Limits of Stability Protocol - LOS protocol | PhysioSensing

Описание к видео Limits of Stability Protocol - LOS protocol | PhysioSensing

Limits of Stability protocol

PhysioSensing has several evaluation protocols.

LOS protocol quantifies the directional control and the maximum distance that the patient can reach with its center of pressure in 8 different directions.

In other words, LoS is the amount of maximum excursion an individual is able to intentionally cover in any direction without losing balance or taking a step.

This area of stable swaying is often referred to as the 'Cone of Stability'. The limits of this cone of stability keep changing constantly depending on the task being performed.

LoS is a reliable variable of stability that provides important information about voluntary motor control in the dynamic state.

Parameters measured in LOS test:
1: Reaction Time (RT): the time taken by an individual to start shifting his center of gravity (COG) from the static position after the cue, measured in seconds;
2: Movement Velocity (MVL): the average speed at which the COG shifts;
3: EndPoint Excursions (EPE): the distance willingly covered by the subject in his very first attempt towards the target, expressed as a percentage;
4: Maximum Excursions (MXE): the amount of distance the subject actually covered or moved his COG;
5: Directional Control (DCL): a comparison between the amount of movement demonstrated in the desired direction, i.e. towards the target, to the amount of external movement in the opposite direction of the target, expressed as a percentage;

A restricted LoS significantly influences the ability to react to perturbations in balance control testing.

This reduction in LoS may be because of weakness of the ankle and foot muscles, musculoskeletal problems of the lower limb, and/or an internal perception of the subject to resist larger displacements.

From a clinical perspective, an individual who performs complex mobility tasks can function without support, and is better able to tolerate environmental challenges.

The ability to voluntarily move the COG to positions within the Limits of Stability (LOS) with control is fundamental to independence and safety in mobility tasks such as reaching for objects, transitioning from seated to standing positions (or standing to seated) and walking.

At the end of the protocol, the results appear.

The main outputs are presented in a table.

PhysioSensing can quantify the maximum distance that the patient can reach with its center of pressure.

The distances of the limits of stability are calculated according to the height of the patient's center of gravity.

At the end you can generate a clinical report with results and progress in PDF or Excel file.

Here, all your data is recorded and can be further analysed by the healthcare profissional.

Use PhysioSensing to balance assessment.

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