Quo Vadis, Embedded? - Maciej Norberciak - code::dive 2023

Описание к видео Quo Vadis, Embedded? - Maciej Norberciak - code::dive 2023

Quo Vadis, Embedded?

Welcome to the world of Embedded Systems, realm of paradoxes. We have C++'23 support in our compilers already, and we write some of our software in "heavy", interpreted languages, like Python or JS, and yet we write more than half of our software in C. We use fast, multicore CPUs like everyone else, and yet more than a half of our target hardware has clocks running under 250 MHz. different. We manufacture and sell millions of sophisticated devices, and yet 8-bit device designed in 1980, with 4KB ROM and whooping 128 byte RAM has probably the biggest production volume.

About the speaker - Maciej Norberciak

Maciej works in Nokia, where he’s primarily a software architect, but also trainer and mentor.
He holds a Ph.D. in computer science in the area of artificial intelligence but has worked in the telecommunication industry ever since, taking part in projects on various embedded platforms as a programmer, designer, architect, and project manager. His favorite pastime activity is learning – anything goes.


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