How We Treat Sciatica | Physical Therapy

Описание к видео How We Treat Sciatica | Physical Therapy

Sciatica symptoms are often caused when the sciatic nerve is pinched. This can happen when structures in your pelvis, back, legs or even organs are misaligned and pushing on things they shouldn't be. The poor nerve then becomes inflamed and that's when you get symptoms such as pain, numbness or tingling. Check out how we help reduce that inflammation and get you feeling your best again!


Not all exercises, suggestions, and recommendations presented here are suitable for everyone and are in no way substitute for medical counseling.

These exercises can result in injury. Any user of this program assumes the risk of injury and holds harmless and releases Dr. Justin Lin and Rehab and Revive Physical Therapy, Inc. from any and all liability in connection with the program and advice herein.

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14661 Myford Rd. Suite C
Tustin CA
(714) 900-3880
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