Fire Emblem Awakening: The Definitive Fandub #03 - Chapter 2: Shepherds

Описание к видео Fire Emblem Awakening: The Definitive Fandub #03 - Chapter 2: Shepherds

The threat of the humanoid monsters that appeared out of a mysterious portal, now called the Risen, are a potent danger to all of Ylisse on top of the threats of Plegia. With them now facing two threats, Chrom, Robin, and the Shepherds must take on a mission to obtain more might to use to their advantage. They begin to travel to the northern kingdom of Regna Ferox.

Happy 12th Anniversary Fire Emblem Awakening!!

-- CAST (this episode only) --
WuDini as Robin
Lee "tw1c_" Seplavy as Chrom
Rosella Floquet as Lissa / Sumia
Nyarlathotep as Frederick
gymleaderjade as Sully
MissileTiller as Virion
EmpoleonNerd as Vaike
Lucio Fett as Maribelle
Riaki as Stahl
Shucaisan as Miriel
UmbrellaSys as a random voice
GigaSpaceBlob as Risen

(Fire Emblem and all of its characters belong to Nintendo and Intelligent Systems Co., Ltd.. This project is a non-profit fandub. Any profits gained are not intentional, and neither is any form of copyright infringement. Please support the official releases.)


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