南無佛陀。 南無達摩。 南無僧伽。
南無室利。 摩訶提鼻耶。 怛你也他。
波利富樓那。 遮利三曼陀。 達舍尼。
摩訶毗訶羅伽帝。 三曼陀。 毘尼伽帝。
摩訶迦利野。 波禰。 波囉。 波禰。
薩利嚩栗他。 三曼陀。
修缽犂帝。 富隸那。 阿利那。 達摩帝。
摩訶毗鼓畢帝。 摩訶彌勒帝。
婁簸僧祗帝。 酰帝簁。 僧祗酰帝。
三曼陀。 阿他阿耨。 婆羅尼。
nā mó fó tuó。nā mó dá mó,nā mó sēng qié。
nā mó shì lì。mó hē tí bí yě。dá nǐ yě tuō。
bō lì fù lóu nuó。zhē lì sān màn tuó。dá shě ní。
mó hē pí hē luó qié dì。sān màn tuó。pí ní qié dì。
mó hē jiā lì yě。bō nǐ。bō là。bō nǐ。
sà lì wā lì tuō。sān màn tuó。
xiū bō lí dì。fù lì nuó。ē lì nuó。dá mó dì。
mó hē pí gǔ bì dì。mó hē mí lè dì。
lóu bǒ sēng qí dì。xī dì xǐ。sēng qí xī dì。
sān màn tuó。ē tuō ē nóu。pó luó ní。
Hello, friends! Let's come together to chant the "Great Auspicious Fairy Mantra", or if you prefer, you can call it the "Good Fairy Mantra". Do not worry about a complicated ceremony, you simply need to recite it three times during morning, evening and midnight. This mantra serves like a charm of good fortune, it will guide you into the flow of good luck, helping you to dissolve any difficulties and lead you step by step towards prosperity.
This sacred mantra comes from the "Collection of Morning and Evening Chants", under the segment of ten small mantras, and can be found within the teachings of the beautiful and benevolent Great Auspicious Fairy in the "Golden Light Sutra". By following her guidance, various troubles and obstacles will cease to hinder your progress, making it possible for you to enjoy the joy of success beforehand.
Remember, this is all subject to the principle of cause and effect. When you practice for the sake of yourself and all sentient beings, the Good Fairy will assist in achieving your goals. Simply put, as long as you diligently practice, your life will become more stable and joyful.
However, if you are immersed in the pursuit of fame and wealth, it will be difficult to truly understand the essence of life. You will be trapped in the endless suffering of the cycle of rebirth. Therefore, if you can sincerely practice the Great Auspicious Fairy Mantra, you will discover your confidence growing day by day, and your wisdom will also grow. You will be filled with power and spirit, able to initiate and accomplish every single step within Buddhism.
Additionally, the "Sutra of the Twelve Names of the Great Auspicious Fairy as Spoken by the Buddha" also correlates with what we are saying now. One part reads:
"Thus I heard. Once upon a time, Brahma was in a world of peace and joy. The Bodhisattva Contemplating Freedom came before the Buddha. At that time, the Great Auspicious Fairy Bodhisattva also went to the Buddha. For the benefit of all sentient beings with scanty blessings and poverty, the World Honored One told the Bodhisattva Contemplating on Freedom about the existence of the Great Auspicious Fairy... Knowing the twelve names of the great auspicious fairy, accepting, reading, practicing and using them in reverence and for the sake of others, can remove all poverty and obstacles, and gain abundant wealth and glory... If one can recite this scripture three times each during the three periods of day and night, or vow to uphold it continuously, making a profit and with wholehearted reverence and dedication to the Great Auspicious Fairy Bodhisattva, they will quickly obtain all the wealth, joy and auspiciousness."
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