Catching Up On The Kids, Lambs, and Pups

Описание к видео Catching Up On The Kids, Lambs, and Pups

This time of year seems to become routine. We check everyone daily to make sure they are healthy, eating well, and in good condition. We have had one of the wettest springs on record! We should have cut our first crop of hay 2 weeks ago, but we are in a weather pattern of frequent rains. We have had 4 1/2 inches in the past 10 days. We are keeping 2 of the Livestock Guardian Dog puppies from our January litter. The other 6 have working homes and 5 went to their homes a week ago and are thriving. It's so rewarding to place the puppies in a good environment where they are doing what they were bred to do. The kids and lambs are growing fast and look really good as well. We have 2 lambs that we are supplementing with a bottle. They are in the pasture with their moms but need a bit of extra milk to help them along. Thanks again for joining us at Norwal Farm.

Michael Walsh and Roger Norgel


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