How to Make a Moist Heat Compress at Home

Описание к видео How to Make a Moist Heat Compress at Home

Hi, I'm doctor Ahuva Gamliel, a naturopathic physician and licensed acupuncturist. We are here at Abaso Clinic in the beautiful Miami Beach, Florida. Today our topic is how to make homemade heat compresses. What you will need for this adventure is rice, a sock, and optionally you could also use essential oils. So let's begin. At home I use brown rice and for this project you can use brown rice or white rice, it doesn't really matter. But it's preferable to use long grain rice if possible. So what you're going to do is take a nice, clean cotton sock of any length. This one happens to be very long, but it doesn't need to be and you're going to take the rice and fill the sock. So once you've filled up your bag with the rice, you can add some dried herbs such as lavender, smells really nice and it's also very soothing, or you can also add essential oils which are more expensive, but also very nice and soothing. Eucalyptus oil is a nice one. I'm going to use peppermint oil. You can also use lavender oil. And you'll just put a few drops. It's very aromatic and it's also therapeutic. Helps to relieve muscle tension. Now you have this really nice smelling rice pack, which you're going to put in the microwave oven. Depending on the strength of your microwave oven, it'll be 30 to 45 seconds. It's also recommended to along with the sock, put in the oven a cup of water because this will prevent the rice from catching on fire. If it's not hot, you can apply it directly on the area like so. So this would be a great neck compress and you would leave it on for 15 to 20 minutes. So that's it. Very simple and easy to do at home. You can also buy premade ones at local stores, but it's so easy to do at home and it's so much more inexpensive to do it at home. So thank you for watching. I'm Ahuva Gamliel from MiBaSo. Bye bye.


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