7. Microencapsulation using Membrane emulsification

Описание к видео 7. Microencapsulation using Membrane emulsification

The microencapsulation consists in the entrapment of some active compounds (flavours, glue, vitamin, drug, biological cells …) in microparticles to immobilization, protection, controlled release, structuration or functionalization. It is used in most domain of our daily life (food, cosmetics, pharmacy, building, petroleum …). The introduction overviews the definition, objectives, classification, methods and some industrial aspects of microencapsulation. To follow future web seminar, register on https://bioencapsulation.net​

TOPIC : Innovative Particle/Capsule Engineering using Membrane Emulsification
SPEAKER : Marijana Dragosavac (University of Loughborough, UK) & Alessando Offner (Microcaps, Switzerlands)

• Conventional ways to produce drops
• Drop by Drop devices to produce drops Microchannel & Membrane emulsification
• How can we produce uniform drops and turn them in to high value particles at the right production scale?
• Specific encapsulations – from drops to particles:
• Microspheres for pharmaceutical applications
• Cell encapsulation
• Upscaling the microfluidic processes for industrial applications

Organized by the Bioencapsulation Research Group (https://bioencapsulation.net)
Supported by European Union's Horizon 2020 ENCAP4HEALTH project (https://encap4health.eu)


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