Praying Lament - Dr. Carmen Joy Imes • How Christians Should Pray | How to Cry Out To God | Prayer

Описание к видео Praying Lament - Dr. Carmen Joy Imes • How Christians Should Pray | How to Cry Out To God | Prayer

Join us for services at Founded in Truth Fellowship this Saturday, July 23rd, at 11:00 AM EST. We look forward to collective worship, reviewing this week's Torah Portion, and hearing an incredible message from guest speaker Dr. Carmen Imes.

Have you ever felt so disappointed that you didn't even want to pray? Maybe you were disappointed in God, not knowing how to approach Him because of how grieved you were? You are not alone. In the Bible, we find many Biblical authors standing in the same place, but they pushed past their disappointments, and boldly, some say audaciously, approached God anyway. These are known as the psalms of lament, and they are filled with passionate, raw, and emotional prayers found right in our Bibles. What can we learn from this ancient practice, and how can we apply it to our prayer lives today?

Dr. Carmen Imes is an Associate Professor of Old Testament at Biola University. Carmen is the author of Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters (IVP) and is currently working on a prequel entitled Being God's Image: Why Creation Still Matters. She is active on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube and has appeared on more than 40 podcasts. She blogs for CT, InterVarsity's The Well, the Political Theology Network, and at


Bearing God's Name: Why Sinai Still Matters
-Carmen Joy Imes

Praying the Psalms with Augustine and Friends (Sacred Roots Spiritual Classics)
-Carmen Joy Imes

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