SmartPLS higher order models assessment and reporting

Описание к видео SmartPLS higher order models assessment and reporting

#PLS higher order models #second order constructs
This video provides detailed information and know-how about higher order models in SmartPLS. The lectures starts by defining higher order models and why we resort to such models when dealing with higher level of construct abstractions.
Higher order models are reflected in various levels of latent variables that can be second, third or even fourth order models.
Measures abstract constructs such as personality or intelligence would require first measuring their first order constructs through survey questions or indicators.
These same indicators are reflected in the second or even third order constructs through using the repeated indicators approach.
In more complex higher order models, we may resort to the two stages approach through finding the latent factors first before finding the relationship among the higher order models.
The video starts with an overall introduction before moving to creating the model and moving the needed indicators to create the first and the second order constructs.
Manual calculations are needed to find the CR and the AVE for the second order constructs. The video provides detailed steps on how to find CR and AVE and the discriminant validity for higher order models.
Furthermore, the video presents the way findings are reported in combination with the measurement models using SmartPLS (first order and second order constructs findings reported in one table).

The video is divided into the following chapters:

0:00 Introduction
3:09 Application of Higher Order Models in PLS
11:06 CR and AVE calculations for HOC
18:49 Reporting second order constructs
23:00 Wrap-Up

SmartPLS video series:
**VID #15: Step 4: The f-square calculation (Effect Size) In structural model assessment

**VID #14: Step 3: R-square in Structural model assessment

#13: Step 2: Significance and Relevance of Structural Model Relationships in SmartPLS

#12: Step 1 in SEM assessment: Collinearity issues

#11: Structural model assessment using SmartPLS    • #structural model assessment using (S...  ​​
**VID #10: Formative and Reflective models with SmartPLS   • Formative and Reflective Models SmartPLS  ​​

**VID #9: Common method bias: Statistical remedies    • The Common Method Variance CMV  ​​

**VID #8: The Common method variance (CMV)   • Assessing Univariate and Multivariate...  ​​

**VID #7: (Assessing uni-variate and multivariate data normality)    • Measurement model Discriminant Validi...  ​​

**VID #6: (Measurement model discriminant validity)    • Measurement model Discriminant Validi...  ​​ **VID #5:(Measurement Model Assessment with SmartPLS)    • Measurement Model Assessment with Sma...  

​​ **VID #4: (Data Collection Platforms and PLS Modeling)    • Data Collection Platforms & PLS Modeling  ​​

**VID #3: (Data Collection and Dealing with Missing Data)    • Data Collection and Dealing with Miss...  ​​

**VID #2: (An Intro to SmartPLS)    • An Intro to SmartPLS  ​​

*VID #1: (An introduction to Structural Equation Modeling)    • Intro to Structural Equation Modeling...  ​​ **************************************************************************

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For mentoring services, contact me:
Abdul Ayoub, PhD, CPA, CMA, CPA
[email protected]
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