Potato Chip Flavors Around The World

Описание к видео Potato Chip Flavors Around The World

Potato chips are a fan favorite when it comes to snacks. From prawn cocktail crisps in Ireland to salted egg-flavored chips from Singapore, we'll take a look at potato-chip flavors from around the world.

Special thanks to these channels for allowing us to feature their footage:
comedian chris csnacks clarke:    / csnacksonsnacks  
Wulfi:    / @wulfi360  
Hoosier Daddy:    / @hoosierdaddyofficial  
Nosh Finder:    / @noshfinder  
It’s_crystal_ks:    / @its_crystal_ks  
Reymel and Amy Eat Stuff:    / @reymelandamyeatstuff  
TabiEats:    / @tabieats  
CyberYankee:    / @cyberyankee6758  
NomAdventurers Blog:    / Канал  

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Potato Chip Flavors Around The World


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