Creative Time Summit 2024 | Fleur Ramsay

Описание к видео Creative Time Summit 2024 | Fleur Ramsay

Lawyer Fleur Ramsay recounts an encounter with Yasur, a volcano on Tanna Island in Vanuatu, emphasizing the deep connections between the land, its people, and their ancestral histories. Ramsay highlights the impact of climate change on vital crops like yam, illustrating the loss of cultural identity, and how these affect the capacity of legal practices to restore rights to land for Indigenous communities.

Alofipo So'oalo Fleur Ramsay is an international Indigenous rights lawyer focused on environmental justice. At Blue Ocean Law, she represents Vanuatu in its historic climate justice bid before the International Court of Justice. Fleur employs a decolonial approach, empowering communities to utilize their legal systems in response to climate crises. Ramsay’s writing on “Decolonising Climate Displacement” can be found in the Summit Reader.


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