Revisiting a Dead Mall. Crossroads Mall, Three Years Later.

Описание к видео Revisiting a Dead Mall. Crossroads Mall, Three Years Later.

Hi everyone! Sorry I've been away so long, but I was in a terrible car wreck, where a drunk driver hit me while he was traveling at more than 130 miles per hour. It left me in the trauma ward of the hospital for nearly a year and in a wheelchair for another 6 months. I'm still recovering, but I wanted to get back to some of what I enjoyed. I decided to ease my way into it by revisiting Crossroads Mall three years after my last visit and 5 years after it closed.
I was both surprised and not surprised by how much it had deteriorated in that time. There have been a few different plans for the mall since it closed, the latest being that it might be reopened as a discount multi-ethnic mall. Since this was tried before and failed hard, and since it is in an area that continues to decline, I don't see any of these plans going through.
In my humble opinion, the mall is likely to eventually be at least a partial teardown, but it will be a long, costly undertaking.
I will continue to keep an eye on the unfolding story of this mall, especially since it was so popular for so long, and I was there to shop at it as part of my own history through the 1970s and 1980s.
Thank you for stopping by and checking it out!
PS, I realize that the mall might be technically in the southeast part of town, but it's on the border of that change. My apologies for that possible error in the video.


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