Antenna Auto Tuners - John Portune - W6NBC

Описание к видео Antenna Auto Tuners - John Portune - W6NBC

Many hams think the tuner they have in their shack,
or built into their rig, is the only tuner they will ever need.
This is not the best way to match the antenna Z and reduce coaxial transmission line losses.

John’s presentation explores a class of popular antennas
which should have the tuner located at the antenna, i.e., a Remote Auto Tuner.

Come to the presentation and learn from a professional who really knows antennas
and impedance matching with antenna tuners!

John's Bio:
John is a retired TV broadcast television engineer/instructor, KNBC Ch 4, Burbank, CA.
First licensed in 1965, Extra Class achieved in 1972.
He was a 10 yr. resident of the UK, and holds a British amateur license, MØGCK.
He also holds these additional FCC licenses: GROL, and the Commercial General Radio Telegraph License.

0:00 Intro
1:41 Tuners
8:46 Resonant Antennas
11:38 Non-Resonant Antennas
16:56 Flagpole Antenna
18:07 Sailboat Antenna
21:46 How do Auto Tuners work?
29:09 Tuner Fundamentals
43:06 Conclusion
45:12 Closing Example
47:39 End/Q&A


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