EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6: DLC1 m13 Inferno (Ranger, Weapon Farm, No Damage)

Описание к видео EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6: DLC1 m13 Inferno (Ranger, Weapon Farm, No Damage)

A popular mission online to farm weapons and a good mission offline to start getting DLC1 weapons easily. Can be done with 200 armor since I did not get damaged in the run. This run was recorded offline but I have done the same solo online therefore you can carry 3 other online players. Online enemies have more health and online players can do unexpected things so it's usually faster and better to do this farm offline.

Most of the time 1 enemy gets stuck on a building far away and does not come. This makes collecting at the end easier. Prominence is used to kill this single cosmonaut. If 2 or more get stuck, you can use the prominence missile to get some of them unstuck since you only need 1 stuck.
At the start I kill the NPCs to make it slightly faster. You have to collect them to kill them fast since all NPCs have high damage mitigation on the first few seconds after they spawn. Collecting them removes this extra mitigation.
On the way to the building I like to hit some cosmonauts to make them conscious of the building so I can hit them and attract all cosmonauts on the map. Always destroy the helicopter since the last wave has missile cosmonauts that can break buildings and ruin the run if they decide to target the helicopter.
I use the reticule of the magma cannon and aim at the "little red pylon" of the nearby building and throw the c90 from the edge of my building to ensure the c90 always falls in a reproducible spot. This ensure that on last wave I can trigger c90 from the back edge of the building and not die to my own c90.
This was a rare run that had no stuck cosmonaut so I had to ensure 1 cosmonaut was far enough from the c90 so that it could survive, and I could collect. I disabled it after the c90 explosion so I could collect the crates. After the ending dialogue starts you can kill it since mission won't conclude till dialogue is over but if you kill everything in one shot then it skips the dialogue.

I forgot to mention the reason I hide in that little corner at 4:31 is because the last wave has 2 rocket launching cosmonaut that can destroy the building while nothing in the 1st 2 waves can break the building except the npcs which I kill. If they don't see you and you don't attack them prematurely, they don't blow the building up. Online you can hide from that little corner till about the shadow of the water tower thing as shown at around 4:44 so all 4 players fit. Once all enemies are at the front of the building (have to wait a bit) you run to the back fast and detonate the bombs. The reason I run to the lip of the building and detonate from there is that the c90 radius is enormous and can kill you otherwise. C80 should also work and has a smaller blast radius but mine have low stars and was unsure if it would work with the online 4 player health multiplier enemies get but it should definitely work offline.


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