The Hidden Words: Transcript of a talk by Hand of the Cause of God A. Q. Faizí

Описание к видео The Hidden Words: Transcript of a talk by Hand of the Cause of God A. Q. Faizí

This talk, published in Conqueror of Hearts, 1967-12-09, is an exquisite overview of the meaning of the Hidden Words and it's unique position in the unfoldment of the Revelation of Baha'u'llah. It highlights those teachings that form the basis of the Faith's core spiritual beliefs prior to their material unfoldment.

Narrated by Lynette Slaman- Garcia
Floral Images courtesy of Glenn Franco Simmons Photography -
Baha'i Images used with permission courtesy of The Baha'i
International Community, Copyright © Bahá'í International Community -
Various Images from Pixabay and other license free sources.
Music courtesy of Cousin Silas - Landscaping used with permission
Published by All Things Baha'i (A Non-Official Baha'i-inspired Blog)-
All Things Baha'i Logo image donated by Calligrapher, Diaa Mzehem
The Hidden Words: Transcript of a talk by by Hand of the Cause of God, A.Q. Faizi can be read here:


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