It's not your fault

Описание к видео It's not your fault

It's not your fault
Original Song by Lynne Penhale

Written November 2021

Directed and Edited by Benjamin Penhale-Wilson

I write my songs lyrics by thinking about what it is I need to hear in that moment when I'm going through a hard time. Maybe some of these words will be what you or someone you know needs to hear too.

This song I wrote about a job I was in that was really hard. I was not trained at all but was still expected to know what I was doing and be good at it!!! It really felt like I was being bullied although I came to realize that they were ill-equipped, and short staffed. 

This song was also inspired by the movie Good Will Hunting. I will not give away the part of the movie that this song references in case you haven't watched it. It is such a good movie! 


When they call you names
When they shut you down
When they make you feel bad
You know it's not your fault

When they're mad at you
When they pick you apart
When they say you're not enough
You know it's not your fault

When they don't seem to trust you
When they don't seem to care
When they don't listen to you
You know it's not your fault

They can't take away the worth you have
It doesn't matter what they do you're still worth it
They can't take away the worth you have
It doesn't matter what they you
You've always been worth it

It's not about you
It's about them
Whatever they're trying to do
It's just not working out
You tried to do better
Tried to figure it out
Then you realize:
It's got nothing to do with you

Compassion is key
But even compassion is not enough
You gotta break free
What's yours is yours
What's theirs is theirs

Thank you, you are fabulous!



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