Repairman's Overview: SML Coleman Hawkins Special (Part One, Pre-Overhaul)

Описание к видео Repairman's Overview: SML Coleman Hawkins Special (Part One, Pre-Overhaul)

Saxophone repairman Matt Stohrer of is super excited but has a cold so it kind of evens out and he sounds pretty much normal as he gazes with awe upon the beauty (and horror!) of an alto/tenor pair of extremely rare SML Coleman Hawkins Special saxophones prior to overhaul and even discovers a difficult problem on camera that renders him speechless (a rarity itself!).

This is part one of a two part Repairman's Overview, which shows the horns in pre-overhaul condition. I thought it would be cool to show a before/after type of thing and what better saxophones to use than something so rare you probably won't ever see one in person, let alone a matched set? Part two will come in a few weeks when they are both completed.

For more info on the Strasser-Marigaux-Lemaire (SML) Coleman Hawkins Special, see here:


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