湯水篇|非洲海底椰鵪鶉湯 潤肺化痰又止咳 (Eng Sub) - African Sea coconut (Coco de Mer) with Quail Soup Nourish lung Resolve Phlegm & Cough
「非洲海底椰」又稱「海椰子」(Coco de Mer), 因為當時的人想像這個漂流於海上的核果,是來自於海底內的植物,成熟後脫落,在海面漂浮。
The name " Coco de Mer". At that time, people imagined that this stone fruit drifting on the sea should come from a seabed plant, and then floated to the surface of the sea after it matured and fell off.
但它的原產地在非洲塞舌爾。生長在陸地上,是當地獨有的棕櫚。 是世界上最大的堅果,分「公、乸」,雄花是公,形狀似男性生殖器,乸是果實,形狀似臀部。
African sea coconut, also known as sea coconut (Coco de Mer), originated in Seychelles, Africa (African Seychelles is an archipelago country located in the Western Indian Ocean). It is a unique palm that grows on land. It is the largest nut in the world.
It is divided into "male and femal “. The shape of male flower resembles the male genitalia, and the femal is the fruit and the shape is similar to the hip.
t has the same male family, male flower, and fruit family.
至今, 塞舌爾還有4000多株海底椰樹,有的高達30多米,樹齡已有千年。
Coco de Mer are similar in appearance to coconuts.
Seeds take 2-3 years to germinate. 25 -40 years to bear fruit.
As for the fruit, it usually takes 7 to 10 years or more to mature. Generally weighs about 15 to 30 kg.
The age of the tree can reach 120 years. About 30 meters tall. Leaf length is about 4-7 meters and 2-4 meters wide.
At present, there are more than 4,000 submarine coconut trees on the birds, some of them are more than 30 meters high, and the trees have even reached a thousand years of age. The Seychelles government has officially declared the seabed coconut as a national treasure. It is designated as a nature reserve and no one is allowed to pick it. It is strictly forbidden to smuggle it out of the country. Every real sea coconut sold has its own number.
效用 :
To clear away heat and nourish the lungs, resolve phlegm and relieve cough, nourish yin and invigorate the kidney, clear the heart and calm the nerves, moisturize the lungs and clear dryness, long-term cough due to lung heat. After the fever, the residual heat is not clear, fatigue, insomnia, insomnia, Nourishes the lungs and relieves cough, treats chronic cough due to lung heat, blood in sputum and hemoptysis due to exertion, beautifying .
不大適宜人群: ( 海底椰是性温带補 )
Not suitable for people: (Sea coconut is a temperate supplement)
The body is hot, staying up late, the heart is hot, easy to lose temper, dry mouth,
Stool clear, viral hepatitis, fatty liver, bronchial asthma, Hypertension, cerebrovascular, pancreatitis, diabetes.
食譜已在Facebook 發放:
Recipe posted on Facebook:
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份量 - Serving: 3人 ppl
烹調時間 Cooking time: 2 小時 hrs
材料 - Ingredients:
30g 非洲海底椰片 Sea coconut/Coco de Mer (Africa)
2 隻 pc 鵪鶉 Quail
3g 乾百合 Dried lily bulb
2 粒 pc 椰棗 Date Palm
4 片 slice 薑片 Gingr slice
4 - 5 條 Stalk 青蔥 spring onion
3 L 清水 Water
參考影片 - Refer to:
01. 湯水篇|金蟲草花鵪鶉湯 家常湯 三種材料煲靚湯 (Eng Sub) - Golden Cordyceps flower Quail Soup 3 Ingredients Family Soup
Youtube: • 湯水篇|金蟲草花鵪鶉湯 家常湯 三種材料煲靚湯 (Eng Sub) - G...
02. 湯水篇|螺頭海底椰湯 滋陰補腎 (Eng Sub) - Yellow Conch Sea coconut Soup Nourishes yin and kidney Family Soup
Youtube: • 湯水篇|金蟲草花鵪鶉湯 家常湯 三種材料煲靚湯 (Eng Sub) - G...
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Music ukulele from bensound.com
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