Japanese Cotton Cake Recipe 日本棉花蛋糕

Описание к видео Japanese Cotton Cake Recipe 日本棉花蛋糕


日本棉花蛋糕 (食譜參考自烘出蛋糕香)
材料: (長型焗盆 13.5" x 9.5" )

牛油     60克 
低筋麵粉          80克
淡奶               80ml                  
雞蛋                6隻
砂糖               90克                   
鹽                   少許
1) 預熱焗爐至160度
2) 牛油置煲中以慢火煮滾後熄火,加入低筋麵粉拌勻,再下淡奶及1隻全蛋和5隻蛋黃慢慢攪拌至完全混合滑身,無粒狀備用
3) 5隻蛋白打發至起泡,下鹽及砂糖分三次加入,直至呈現角狀即可
4) 1)和2)之材料而fold-in形式輕輕混合至均勻,然後倒入已舖上牛油紙的焗盆中,雙手提起焗盆在桌上輕敲一下使空氣排出
5) 置於焗爐中層焗25分鐘,出爐後並馬上移出倒放在鐵架上待涼
6) 蛋糕切成兩片,搽上奶油忌簾將它夾起即可

English Recipe:
Butter 60g
Milk 80ml
Sugar 90g
Cake flour 80g
Egg 6
Salt a dash
1. Preheat the oven to 325F
2. Melt the butter in a pan. Turn off the heat and add flour. Then, add milk. Also, add one whole egg and five egg yolk until it is a smooth mixture.
3. Beat the five egg whites till it is stiff. (add sugar and salt in three different time while beating egg whites)
4. Then mix step 1 and 2 using the fold-in format.
5. Then put the mixture that you've already mix in step 4 into a pan.
6. Bake it for about 25 minutes and put the cake onto a cooling rack to cool
7. Enjoy your home made cake

Music: Newborn- iLife Sound effects


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