
Описание к видео 【英國空軍勝利者轟炸機】英國空軍最先進戰略轟炸機,專為攜帶核彈研發,馬島戰爭海灣戰爭大顯身手,曾被視為帝國榮耀,英國皇家空軍最後一種核威懾戰略轟炸機

勝利者轟炸機是英國漢德利·佩季公司研製的噴氣式戰略轟炸機,即“3V”轟炸機之一,1957年11月生產型交付使用,作為英國最後一種戰略轟炸機已於1993年退役。為避免研製風險,漢德利佩季公司決定先在一種小型機體上測試他們新設計的月牙機翼/尾翼。他們購買了休潑馬林(SuperMarine)510 的機身(一種攻擊機機體,休潑馬林公司內部編號521),短暫停留後運往不萊克本(Blackburn),在那兒安裝上月牙型機翼和T 型尾翼,代號B.2 或HP.88,內部編號VX330。由於試飛太晚,它被用作勝利者計劃測試的一部分。該機於 1951 年 8 月 26 日的事故中墜毀,試飛員達奇.布魯菲爾德(Duggie Broomfield)犧牲。
The Victor bomber is one of the "3V" bombers developed by the British Handley Peji Company. The production type was delivered in November 1957. As the last strategic bomber in the UK, it was retired in 1993. To avoid development risks, Handelipeti decided to test their newly designed crescent wing/tail on a small airframe. They purchased SuperMarine 510 fuselage (an attack aircraft body, SuperMarine internal number 521), and after a short stay, they transported it to Blackburn, where the crescent-shaped wing was installed. And T-shaped tail, code B.2 or HP.88, internal number VX330. Since the test flight was too late, it was used as part of the test of the winner's plan. The aircraft crashed in an accident on August 26, 1951, and test pilot Duggie Broomfield died.


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