PC - Wolfenstein 3D (Castle Totenkopf SDL) - Level 19

Описание к видео PC - Wolfenstein 3D (Castle Totenkopf SDL) - Level 19

What it is: A gameplay video of Wolfenstein 3D standalone mod Castle Totenkopf SDL (Level 19: Splintered Cells), that is itself a remake of Castle Totenkopf.
Check here for download http://wolf3d.darkbb.com/dome-news-f2...
Due to the unavailability of an ingame warp feature or command line parameter, instead of doing Pistol start runs in random levels, this time is will be less of an headache for me to simply play the game from start to finish with level continuity and aiming for full completion. Levels will be done in single runs but carrying stats from the previous levels, saving just before the elevator switch. Finally, the game will be played on Skill 4 (Veteran) and 100% bonus in each three categories.

How was it done: Recorded with Camtasia Studio 7.0.0 using TechSmith own Video Codec @ 60 FPS / Faster Compression, with PCM @ 22 KHz / 16 Bit / Mono as Audio. The resulting AVI file was edited using Virtual Dub 1.9.9 and later reencoded again with it using Xvid 1.2.2 Video Codec @ 2000 KBps and Fraunhofer MP3 Audio Codec @ 48 KBps / 22 KHz / Mono.

Additional Info: First Secret Level. I always find somewhat annoying the maze levels, though pretty much all games with a good level variety got at least one. But this one in particular is a serious pain in the rear because it is introduced just too early for a time consuming level and places a serious brake on the fun.
The issue is that being a secret level, you don't get at the end of the level the percentual scores, so you don't know if you missed secrets or not. This means that when you're dealing with an unknow amount of secrets in a maze level with a complex layout, you can be two or three hours doing a stressful level exploration just to make sure that you don't missed anything, and even then you will not be totally convinced.
The first time that I played the game I did this level the hard way and looked for secrets pushing all the walls. To make sure that I didn't missed anything in this video, I checked with a level editor to make sure that I got all the secrets, and it was a nice surprise to see that I didn't missed anything (Actually, I would be highly dissapointed if after all the time that I spended searching for them didn't have found all), besides that I needed to trace a coherent route to make sure than the video isn't too long due me getting lost inside the maze. Well, actually, it sort of happen anyways.

This level introduces the Scoped Rifle in a secret pushwall right at the start. It supercedes the regular Rifle, but has an alternate fire mode with a zoomed scope where each round causes twice damage, besides the helpful zoom for aiming at long ranges. This weapons makes this level very easy if properly used, that is basically what I attempt to do. When using it, remember that as Keyboards controls aren't precisely accurate and may scroll too much, on very long range it may take a bit of time to aim properly. And sometimes you can't take yourself that time to aim, so it can make you very vulnerable on some spots...
This level also introduces Snipers, and they also use Scoped Rifles. They are extremely dangerous because their precision is almost perfect even on ultra long ranges (There are only 3 Snipers on the map, and when you meet the third, it can open fire at you from the other side of the map), and their damage is very high compared to most enemies. They aren't hard to kill, but if you aren't careful, they are going to kill you before you open fire, as they are already shooting you before you can actually aim them at long range (Like when using the Scoped Rifle against them). Fighting the third Sniper from the other side of the map is a good demonstration of how to lose against a Sniper.

This level got a total of 7 secrets (00:12, 01:36, 02:27, 03:57, 05:42, 06:08, 06:18). Finally, the level got a Flakgun Component. You need the 3 Flakguns Components (There is one in each Secret Level) to assemble the Flakgun. As it is right in front of the elevator, is pretty much impossible to not pick it.


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