YEARLING CHALLENGE || WolfQuest Anniversary Edition

Описание к видео YEARLING CHALLENGE || WolfQuest Anniversary Edition

Find challenge instructions here ! ! ! ! !


🐺Yearling Challenge 🐺
Largest litter ever recorded was 11 pups

Played on Accurate, any map. Territory quest goes as normal.


- Can use any wolf with any perks.
- Can have more than one parent
- Can't let anyone starve

Player pups

- Use a 2yo wolf, no perks, all -2 stats. Female, minimum size.

- Can't eat anything other than hares and small chunks until reaching newborns quest, and can only eat till 100% food
- If you accidentally eat over 100%, vomit for pups
- Must compete for food brought back to den
- Can steal carriables from NPC pups. All den food is fair game

- Must avoid being touched by predators. "Hide" in grass patches or get in den during attacks. Being attacked while in patches doesn't count. Can growl at preds, if bold personality, but can't bite
- If they leave den perimeter, they become "lost" and parent has to walk them back
- Can't cause harm to NPC pups. Woof accordingly during attacks. Don't pick pups up, get them lost, or squeak during attacks
- Must engage with NPC pups if they emote
- Can't regurgitate

After every sleep, there's a chance of getting "sick"

Roll 1-100
- If player is above 50% health, they only get sick if they roll a number below 30.
- If player is below 50% health, they get sick if they roll a number below 70.
- When sick, player pups get last dibs on food brought back to den.

They heal if they roll a number above 30 at 100% health, and above 70 if under 50%.


I wanted to film this for so long!!! We had done a couple trials and it went great, finally filmed one!!!

We used a bot on Discord to roll, but you can do it on any site, use a real dice, or leave it out completely. It's just for fun!

I struggled to keep this video under an hour (barely made it) given all our commentary was worth keeping lol. Considering uploading an unedited version of the footage in case anyone wants to watch the entire thing!

As always, anyone's allowed to host these in MP :) if I see them, I'll join!


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