How to break-in Samsung F8500 plasma TV (see Optimal Settings in video description)

Описание к видео How to break-in Samsung F8500 plasma TV (see Optimal Settings in video description)

Download plasma break-in RGB color slides from here:

I got my TV professionally calibrated and theoretically, considering slight deviations in final spec of each manufactured TV, the settings that optimal for my F8500 TV might not be optimal for other F8500 TVs. The settings could be even more off on some other TVs with the differences in initial use of TV prior to setting these settings (i.e. if you watched your TV for first 1000 hours on maximum brightness setting and I didn't or if if you used it primarily for colorful games and I used it for dark movie scenes the color/brightness charactheristics of our TVs could be slightly different and thus my TV's optimal color/brightness settings might not produce as optimal of a picture quality on your TV).
Anyways please feel free to try my settings I got after professional calibration (start with resetting all settings to the default and then set only the settings that I mention for each particular picture mode, making them in the order they appear in the menu):

Picture Mode: movie (to watch in evening dim light conditions)
Basic settings: 16,99,47,5,58,50/50
Advanced settings: off,off,7,off,custom (r 31,1,0 g 23,47,5 b 0,0,41 y 51,52,8 c 25,48,48 m 33,1,39)
White bal: 22,24,25,25,25,25
10 pt wb: on (1: 2,1,2 2: ‐3,‐3,‐3 3: ‐4,‐5,‐3 4: ‐6,‐5,‐5 5: ‐8,‐8,‐7 6: ‐4,‐4,‐5 7: ‐6,‐6,‐6 8: ‐4,‐5,‐2 9: ‐3,‐1,‐1 10: ‐1,1,‐5)
gamma 1
Picture options: warm2,off,off,normal,auto2,off,auto

Picture Mode: cal‐day (to watch in brightly lit room)
Basic settings: 16,99,47,5,58,50/50
Advanced settings: off,off,7,off,custom (r 31,1,0 g 23,47,5 b 0,0,41 y 51,52,8 c 25,48,48 m 33,1,39)
White bal: 22,24,25,25,25,25
10 pt wb: on (1: ‐1,‐2,‐1 2: ‐3,‐3,‐3 3: ‐2,‐3,‐1 4: ‐3,‐2,‐2 5: ‐5,‐5,‐4 6: ‐1,‐1,‐2 7: ‐4,‐4,‐4 8: ‐1,‐3,1 9: ‐2,‐1,‐1 10: ‐1,1,‐4)
gamma 1
Picture options: warm2,off,off,normal,auto2,off,auto

Picture Mode: movie 3D (to watch 3D movies)
Basic settings: 20,100,52,5,41,50/50
Advanced settings: off,dark,0,off,naƟve
White bal: 20,25,25,15,22,25
gamma ‐3
Picture options: warm2,off,off,off,off

To activate CAL-DAY and CAL-NIGHT modes (they are disabled by default):

1. Turn the TV off and unplug the TV.
2. Unplug all HDMI cords from the TV.
3. Plug tv back in..
4. On the IR remote control, press Mute, 1, 8, 2, Power. It takes a few seconds and then the service menu will appear
5. Arrow down to SVC and press the Enter button in the center of the arrows
6. Arrow down to Expert and press Enter
7. Right arrow on N/D ADJ to ON !!! NOT "FIX" !!!
8. Then With the down arrow key, highlight the "Source" item and use the right or left arrow keys to get "ALL". Press Enter
9. Press Power
10. Wait a few seconds
11. Press Power
12. The Picture Mode will start in Dynamic
13. Change Picture Mode and reconnect hdmi cords

Hope my settings work out good for your F8500 TV.
It's one of the best TVs ever made!


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