#44: The CCRadio-2E and CCRadio-EP: A short review

Описание к видео #44: The CCRadio-2E and CCRadio-EP: A short review

In this video we compare the CCrane CCRadio-2E and CCRadio-EP. Simply put, both perform superbly on the AM broadcast band and are excellent radios. [Note: Nearly a minute of audio (11:21 - 12:19) has been edited, due to a copyright content claim. While I disagree categorically with the claim, it was easiest to simply remove the audio, which included me talking over music that was affected by RF and atmospheric noise. Ridiculous. 8/19/2018]

* AM “radio shoot out” rankings, https://radiojayallen.com/am-portable.... Note soft muting is discussed on this page. (This is a great website!)

* Information on the twin coil ferrite antenna, http://radio-timetraveller.blogspot.c.... (An amazing site for AM DXing.)

* Radio-locator page for the stations discussed: WBAL, https://radio-locator.com/info/WBAL-AM, WWGB, https://radio-locator.com/info/WWGB-AM, WKCW, https://radio-locator.com/info/WKCW-AM, CFRB, https://radio-locator.com/info/CFRB-AM, WINS, https://radio-locator.com/info/WINS-AM.


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