Souq Waqif Soundwalk A Sonic Journey Through Doha Binaural, 2020

Описание к видео Souq Waqif Soundwalk A Sonic Journey Through Doha Binaural, 2020

Immerse yourself in the vibrant soundscape of Souq Waqif, Doha, Qatar, in this captivating binaural soundwalk. Best experienced with headphones, this auditory journey was originally recorded in 2020 and lovingly edited in 2022, serving as a testament to the timeless allure of this bustling market.

As a Sound Artist, soundwalks hold a special place in my heart as they allow me to explore a place or space through its sonic tapestry. What began as a personal practice has evolved into a shared passion, and I'm excited to take you along on this audio adventure.

The binaural recording format used in this soundwalk offers an immersive experience, allowing you to feel as if you're strolling through Souq Waqif yourself, hearing every subtle detail and nuance of this bustling cultural hub.


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