Neville Johnson (9/11) The fig tree and the vine - Saturday 12pm, 3 November 2012, Sheffield, UK

Описание к видео Neville Johnson (9/11) The fig tree and the vine - Saturday 12pm, 3 November 2012, Sheffield, UK,
We need to pray for Israel - the apple of God's eyes! When war comes against Israel, a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit comes to the world! Get ready! You need to pray that your government will align itself with Israel!!! Scriptures mentioned: Deut.5:1, Jer.34:14, Joel 2:22-25, Mt.24:32-33,3,34, Lk.19:41-44, Job 14:7-9, Ps.83:2-5,12-18, Heb.12:18-27


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