Missouri Republican Calls Children 'Lazy' As She Tries To Weaken Child Labor Laws

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A Republican state representative named Cheri Toalson Reisch has introduced legislation that would almost completely eradicate child labor laws in her state. Reisch says that the legislation is necessary because children are, as she put it, "lazy". The legislation could allow children as young as 9 years old to work after school and on weekends, which is almost too insane to even comprehend. But this is what Republicans want because it is what corporations want, as Ring of Fire's Farron Cousins explains.

Link - https://www.newsweek.com/missouri-rep...

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*This transcript was generated by a third-party transcription software company, so please excuse any typos.

Republicans are still trying to weaken child labor laws state by state. We have already seen multiple Republican controlled states in just the last year weaken child labor protection so that we can put kids back to work in the, in the slaughterhouse. Put these 15 year olds with heavy machinery. You know, we don't trust 'em enough to drive a car on their own, but sure, go run that giant, uh, you know, forklift and the excavator, you'll be totally fine. Right? We have also, by the way, seen a record number of children die in the last year. Numbers not seen since we were sending the toddlers into the mines in this country. But republicans apparently want to go back to those days because as one Missouri state lawmaker put it, kids these days are just lazy. So let's put 'em to work. Those are essentially the words of Missouri State.

Sherry Resch and Ms. Resch is pushing, pushing legislation in Missouri that would do away with the waivers that young children have to have in order to work while they're still in school. Instead, a simple permission slip from a parent and suddenly that kid is off to the minds again, right? But here is what Ms. Reich had to say about children in America today. At what point are people going to be self-responsible? Some people seem to think the government is the answer to everything. These young kids need to be taught self responsibility. And I can tell you my personal story. I started working at age nine and I continue to work throughout high school when I was 14, 15. You know what these kids of today are, majority of them are lazy. She says they don't know what work ethic is, but they know how to play video games all night.

They know how to join gangs. They know how to get into trouble, get a job and be responsible. Vote yes, God bless. Hey, uh, let me ask you something here, Ms. Reich, you do realize that if kids have no work ethic, it's not up to the government to give them a work ethic. I mean, you just said everybody thinks government's the answer. Stop doing that now. Let's make government the answer. You know who's fault it is? If kids don't have a work ethic, it's the parents's fault. Yeah, J just a little FYI there because aren't you the party that's going state by state right now saying parents should have the say, parents should be in charge. We want parental rights, but you never wanna hold the parents accountable when their kid turns out to be a piece of, do you? No, you don't. You wanna blame everybody else. It's the kid's fault. It's just a bad egg. It's the teacher's fault. It's the government's fault. It's everybody's fault. Except for the parents that put pieces of like you in office, isn't it? That's why this story

me off. If you want your kid to have a work ethic, then as a parent, it is your job to instill that in them. And to be honest, the best way to do it is to lead by example. And if you're not willing to do that as a parent, then don't turn around and get off when your kid turns out to be lazy, as this woman says. That's on the parents. Parents have responsibilities, like let's teach them self responsibility. How about you teach that to the parents?


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