Feeding 11 Kids: Healthy and Simple Meal Ideas

Описание к видео Feeding 11 Kids: Healthy and Simple Meal Ideas

Feeding 11 Kids: Healthy and Simple Meal Ideas can be done even on busy days! I actually love doing leftovers!

In this video, I will explain how I feed my 11 kids daily healthy and simple meals.

I'm a homeschooling mom, so my days are busy! I try to feed my children healthy and balanced meals throughout the day. Today, we went off of the menu a little, but that's okay because our menus are created to be flexible.

Making mealtime enjoyable and involving your children in preparing and planning the food can foster a positive relationship with nutritious foods. We are here to lay the foundation for our children's long-term health and well-being. You got this, mama!

BREAKFAST: Berry Blast Breakfast Jars 🍓

SECOND BREAKFAST: Avocado toast with Cucumbers and Cherry tomatoes, hard-boiled eggs, and grapes on the side 🥑🍇

ELEVE: Snack Containers -
Mandarins, Leftover Cucumber Slices, Seven Sunday Fruity Cereal, and a Nut Mix from Aldi 🥒🍊

RUNNING ERRANDS: Groceries at Aldi & Bella Goose Treats 🛒☕

LUNCH: LeftoverTuna Patties with Salad and a Homemade Cashew Dill Dressing 🐟🥗

TEA/SNACK: Mini Peppers with Cream cheese and Bagel Seasoning 🫑

DINNER: Italian Wedding Soup with Homemade Sourdough Herb Crisps and Grass-Fed Butter 🥘


Thank you so much for being here and spending a piece of your day with me! Your love and support does not go unnoticed!

Peace, Joy, and Blessings! Pamela!

Dad - Larry
Mom -Pamela
Katelin 25
Grace 22
Victoria 19
Juliana 18
Hannah 17
Madelyn 15
Claudia 13
Thomas 11
Alex 9
Sophia 6
Cecilia 4

#shorts #largefamily #homeschooling #food #momlife #sahm #foodie #healthyfood #whatmykidseatinaday #healthymeals


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