35 Minute TRX Tabata Total Body Workout | Strength and Cardio

Описание к видео 35 Minute TRX Tabata Total Body Workout | Strength and Cardio

Grab your suspension trainer and an optional mat for this 35 minute total body strength and cardio workout. All exercises include the suspension trainer. Set your suspension trainer to mid length. One way to make the exercise more challenging will be to walk your body closer to the anchor point to increase the resistance, and vice versa. You can always walk it further away from the anchor point to decrease the resistance. For most exercises keep your core tight and active, especially when we are in a plank-like position. Todays format is Tabata! The entire workout goes 20 seconds on, 10 seconds off. The clock for the exercise and recovery will be in the upper left hand corner of your screen. Green for go and red for rest : ) We perform each exercise 3 times in a tri-set fashion. During the recovery you will see the upcoming exercise in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You and I do not have to go at the same speed/tempo. Find a pace/speed/weight selection that feels challenging for *you*. There is some jumping during todays workout, however non-jumping options and modifications are given throughout. I hope you enjoy this one! Let me know how it goes in the comments below!

Skip to 2:17 to begin workout
Total Workout time: Approx 35 minutes
Total Time with Stretching: Approx 38 minutes

TRX Strength and Cardio 30 Day Program:    • 30 Day TRX, Strength, and Cardio Work...  

Other TRX Workouts:    • TRX: Fit by Larie  

Yogorilla Mats / Use code FITBYLARIE for 10% off: https://gorillamats.com (I'm using 7x5)

Equipment/ Clothing used: https://www.amazon.com/shop/fitbylari...

The Workout
20 seconds on / 10 seconds off per exercise
Rollouts (on knees)
Tricep Extensions
Bstance or Pistol Squat L
Bstance or Pistol Squat R
Squat to Calf Raise or Squat Jump
Neutral Grip Row L
Neutral Grip Row R
Y Raises
Lateral Lunge Knee-In (Jump) L
Lateral Lunge Knee-In (Jump) R
Sumo Squat to Calf Raise or Frogger
Bicep Curl L
Bicep Curl R
Supinated Row
Reverse Lunge Knee-In (Jump) L
Reverse Lunge Knee-In (Jump) R
Iso Squat Calf Raises
Chest press L
Chest Press R
Chest Press to Rollout
Face Pulls
Power Pull Ups

Additional Add-Ons to Compliment this Workout:
13 Minute Mid/Upper Back Stretch:    • 13 Minute Mid/Upper Back Stretch & Re...  
20 Minute Lower Back Stretch (gentle, relaxing):    • 20 Minute Lower Back Release Gentle S...  
15 Minute Hip Stretch:    • 15 Minute Stretch for Hips | Release ...  
15 Minute Daily Stretch (Full Body):    • 15 Minute Daily Full Body Stretch Rou...  
15 Minute Upper Body Stretch:    • 15 Minute Upper Body Mobility | Dynam...  

10 Minute HIIT Cardio:    • 10 Minute Cardio HIIT Workout | No Br...  
15 Minute Cardio (Kickboxing Inspired, No Equipment):    • 15 Minute Cardio Workout | No Equipme...  
15 Minute Cardio (Legs, Continuous):    • 15 Minute Bodyweight Only Leg Cardio ...  

20 Minutes No Breaks:    • 20 Minute Cardio and Core Low Impact ...  

10 Minute Ab Workout No Breaks:    • 10 Minute Ab Workout | Bodyweight Onl...  
10 Minute Lower Ab Workout:    • 10 Minute Lower Ab Workout | Bodyweig...  

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🎵 All songs are licensed from epidemic sounds and soundstripe


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