「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 盧煜明教授主講 | 科研的挑戰與樂趣

Описание к видео 「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 盧煜明教授主講 | 科研的挑戰與樂趣



So near and yet so far. “Father of the Non-Invasive Prenatal Test” Prof. Dennis Lo had made the bold assumption of the presence of fetal DNA in maternal blood from the days of his university studies. However, for 8 years he'd been missing the key to the research, which is the plasma, until the idea of it came to him. Now, not only is he the "Father of Non-Invasive Prenatal Test”, he has also developed the “Plasma DNA Screening Study of Nasopharyngeal Cancer”.

Prof. Lo shared his interesting research experiences at the Public Lecture on 'The Joys and Challenges of Scientific Research' today (15 February). Details: bit.ly/2EcOigQ


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