「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 科大衛教授主講 | 孝道與產業:為甚麼「孝」有助商業發展?

Описание к видео 「智慧的探索」公開講座 | 科大衛教授主講 | 孝道與產業:為甚麼「孝」有助商業發展?


中大偉倫歷史學研究教授及中國研究中心主任科大衛教授(Prof. David Faure)於9月9日主講第6場55周年校慶「智慧的探索」公開講座系列,便與各位一同翻族譜、訪祠堂,細說明、清時代的華南宗族如何巧妙落實「法人」地位,讓他們在沒有公司法的背景下,仍得以有效管理財產。


If you asked a business professor for tips on doing business, his answer would probably be demand and supply analysis. But why would the answer from a history professor be ‘filial piety’?

In the sixth lecture of the CUHK 55th Anniversary ‘The Pursuit of Wisdom’ Public Lecture Series on 9 Sept, Prof. David Faure, CUHK Wei Lun Research Professor of History and the Director of Centre for China Studies, talked about the relationship between filial piety and business through genealogies and ancestral halls. Prof. Faure also revealed that, remarkably, our ancestors in Southern China recognised the private ownership of capital through the traditional virtue of filial piety when China had no company law during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Register for other CUHK 55th anniversary “The Pursuit of Wisdom” Public Lectures: bit.ly/2Rjxqx8


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