ICO's FOI Training: What are the Freedom of Information Act exemptions?

Описание к видео ICO's FOI Training: What are the Freedom of Information Act exemptions?

Module 3: FOI exemptions and the public interest test

The Freedom of Information Act contains a number of exemptions that allow you to withhold information from a requester. In some cases, it will allow you to refuse to confirm or deny whether you hold information.

Some exemptions relate to a particular type of information, for instance, information relating to government policy. Other exemptions are based on the harm that would arise or would be likely arise from disclosure, for example, if disclosure would be likely to prejudice a criminal investigation or prejudice someone’s commercial interests.

This module looks in detail at how exemptions are applied under the Freedom of Information
Act 2000, or FOIA, and how the public interest test is conducted in respect of qualified exemptions.

Looking for more advice? See our detailed guidance pages: https://ico.org.uk/for-organisations/...


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