How To Flirt Without Being Creepy

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Hey there and welcome back to my channel. Those if you don’t know me, my name is Kate Spring. And I’m in dating and relationship coach from the west coast of Canada. As you can tell by the title of this video, we’re going to talk about how to flirt without being creepy.
Before we get into the details, make sure that you subscribe to my channel where you will be notified every time I release new video. You can also leave all of your questions and comments in the comment section below and I will get back to you, personally, as soon as I can.

1. The “You-Caught-Me” Glance:
The first point of contact to make with any woman with whom you’re trying to flirt is to make eye contact. Or, the best way to get her attention is to get caught checking her out or glancing at her. Try to do this subtly, you’re glancing at her, not staring at her. So do a quick glance. After she catches your first glance, give her a little nod. And after the second glance, smile like an “oopsie, you caught me checking you out.

Why I want you to establish eye contact first is to ensure that she meets your eye contact. Eye contact’s purpose is to establish mutual interest. I’m not saying that just because a woman makes eye contact with you means that she wants to sleep with you, no, what I’m saying is that she could be interested in you if you’ve made this connection, at the very least, you could approach her and see what happen.

2. Mirror Her Posture to Build Rapport:
Remember that flirting is a response to attraction. And attraction is evoking interest, pleasure or liking for someone. So what else can you do to persuade a woman with whom you’ve never met that you’re the best candidate with whom to flirt and maybe even sleep with?

3. Compliment:
Our third tip in learning how to flirt without creeping women out is to look at the topic of conversation. Pick-up lines are a thing of the past, but compliments are the way of the future.

The thing about flirting is that it is all about making the other person feel good by giving them attention and asking them questions. one way to give them positive attention is to compliment a woman on something that she has chosen. If you’ve watched any of my other videos, then you will know that I am a firm believer in a good compliment on something that a woman has chosen to wear, or the way that she has chosen to style her hair or to compliment her on something that she has worked on.

Compliments make people feel good about themselves when they’re around you. And as Maya Angelou once said, “people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” And that is a statement that I personally live by.

4. Gentle Touches:
Psychologist Dr. Nicolas Guéguen in his essay “Courtship Compliance: The Effect of Touch On Women’s Behavior” suggests that there is research to prove that light tactile contact increases compliance to a wide variety of requests. He conducted three experiments in three different locations. Each one, however, had two different approaches, a man approaching a woman and gently touching her and another encounter when a man approached a woman and made no physical contact. The results were that women were more attracted to men who engaged in gentle, momentary, tactile touching because it made them seem more dominant.

So use touch to your advantage. Playfully touch a woman to deepen your flirtatious connection. Tickling is one of the oldest flirting methods in the book, you can touch a woman’s arm to get her attention, place your hand at the small of her back to guide her somewhere. Find quick friendly ways to make physical contact with a woman to better your flirting experience.

5. Have Fun:
And my last piece of advice when flirting is to remember to have fun. Take it slow so that you aren’t showing all of your cards at once. Give a little and then see what you get in return flirt wise from a girl. But flirting is also a mindset, so please, please, please, remember to have fun with it because if you aren’t having any fun, neither will the girl with whom you’re trying to flirt.

So go forth and prosper! I hope that you’ve enjoyed what you learned in this video. If you did, give it a thumbs up and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel. And I’ll see you in my next video!


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