Wakfu OST - Wabbit Island (Boss Battle A)

Описание к видео Wakfu OST - Wabbit Island (Boss Battle A)

And here it is, one of my top 5 easily, the melody itself is good and has a certain instrument that reminds me a lot of Dofus OST i guess, but the beauty is in the Wabbits singing like how they do in the tunnels.

The "lyrics" were provided by a member on the Wakfu EN forums, but their account appears to have been deleted or something so, idk, props to them anyway.
And apart from the lyrics from the composer of the song, they brought an interesting fact from the same componser aswell. Turns out the lyrics here weren't even supossed to be lyrics, just filler to make the voice act as an instrument, a bunch of nonsense with the objective to be catchy.

But alas, they provided lyrics, i shall put them here. They're not the best thing in the world either, but i like to think they're talking about the Wabbit's defeat against the Lenalds or something, after all this soundtrack appears only in 3 out of the 5 Wabbit island bosses, Black wabbits, the rebels, Wabbits, the banished, and Guawd Wabbits, the defenders.
The Lenald boss obviously doesn't use wabbit music for his battles, he's their enemy, and about the Zwombbits, well, not sure, but i guess war and politics don't affect the undead as much, their soundtracks focus more on the creepy side of them.

The Big Cawwot - Wabbit Island (EN)
Gwan Zanahowia - Isla de Los Wabbits (ES)
Glosse Calotee - Ile des Wabbits (FR)

The Wa's Fowtwess - Wabbit Island (EN)
Fowtaleza del Wey - Isla de los Wabbits (ES)
Fowtewesse du Wa - Ile des Wabbits (FR)

Mowbid Wawwens - Wabbit Tunnels (EN)
Subtewwáneos Mówbidos - Subterráneos de los Wabbits (ES)
Soutewwains Mowbides - Souterrains Wabbit (FR)

Monster Families:
Black Wabbits/Wabbit Guawds/Wabbits (EN)
Black Wabbits/Guawdias Wabbit/Wabbits (ES)
Black Wabbits/Gawdes Wabbits/Wabbits (FR)

Black Wabbit Emiw/Wa Wabbit/Gwand Viziew Wabbit (EN)
Emiw Black Wabbit/Wey Wabbit/Gwan Visiw Wabbit (ES)
Emiw Black Wabbit/Wa Wabbit/Gwand Viziw Wabbit (FR)

Wipley the Suwvivow (EN)
Wipley, la Supewviviente (ES)
Wipley la Suwvivante (FR)

**Music and Imagery seen here is from the Wakfu MMORPG owned by Ankama Games, the only purpose of this video is to share the music and visuals of the game for everyone to enjoy.


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