The Rise of the Divine Feminine

Описание к видео The Rise of the Divine Feminine

In this video, we explore the rise of the Divine Feminine, and how we can all embody the rise within ourselves to liberate and empower our feminine energy.

The spirit of the Divine Feminine, the container of our soul’s wisdom, is our ticket to finding freedom and abundance in our hearts and minds. Honouring her sweet, nurturing energy is the key to finding and maintaining a sense of inner harmony and stability. Reclaiming our inner Goddess and the feminine energy inside of us, is how we create a more compassionate and understanding world.

To do so, we must learn to embrace her power. We must work to reconnect with our innate femininity and the unbounded potential of the divine. Which now raises the question: how do we go about accessing this Divine Feminine energy? Learn more in this episode!

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