The Mines Rules 1955: Chapter V (30-39): Health & Sanitation Provisions | An Innovative Approach |

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Health and Sanitation Provisions

What is Rule no 30?
Quantity of drinking water.

[1] Q.1) How much quantity of drinking water to be provided in a mine or part thereof?
Ans: 2 litres for every person employed at one time.
[2] Q.2) For how many persons are employed above ground or in opencast workings a mechanical cooling arrangement may be required?
Ans: 100 persons
Q.3) Who shall order in writing for the above mechanical cooling arrangement?
Ans: An Inspector
[3] Q.4) How much amount shall be charged per liter of drinking water?
Ans: No charge/ Free of cost

What is rule no 31?
Storage of drinking water.

[1] Q.5) How the drinking water is provided at mines?
Ans: By taps connected with a constant water supply system ( Public water supply system), if not then shall be kept cool in suitable vessels, and these vessels shall be emptied, cleaned, and refilled every day. ( hygienic).

[2] Q.6) If the water source is not from the public water supply system, what steps shall be taken by the owner, agent or manager to maintain drinking water quality?
Ans: The owner, agent or manager shall make arrangements to get the water checked by a competent health authority or analyst for the fitness of water for human consumption.

what is rule no 32?
Decision of chief inspector Final.

Q.7) If any question arises whether water supply arrangements are satisfactory and in accordance with section 19 or rules no 30 and 31, then whose decision will be final?
Ans: Chief Inspector

what is rule no 33?
Surface latrines and urinals.

[1] Q.8) In opencast workings where the latrines and urinals are provided?
Ans: The latrines and urinals are provided on the surface at every mine, at conveniently accessible places separately for the males and females.

[2] Q.9) What is the scale of latrines?
Ans: At least 1 seat for every 50 males and 1 seat for every 50 female employed at one time.( in calculation less than 50 shall be reckoned as 50.

what is rule no 34?
Standards of latrine or urinal construction.

[a] Q.10) Who shall approve the site of the latrine construction?
Ans: An inspector in writing.
[b] Q.11) what materials shall be used to build?
Ans: Bricks or other suitable building materials.
[c] Q.12) What about its drainage, ventilation, and weather protection?
Ans: It shall be adequately drained, properly ventilated, and afforded effective protection from the weather.
[d] Q.13) Who shall approve the type of latrine?
Ans: An Inspector in writing.
[e] Q.14) What shall be the condition of the floor and interior wall?
Ans: Shall be cemented punned or finished to provide a smooth impervious surface.
[e] Q.15) What is the height of the interior wall which shall be cement punned or finished to provide a smooth impervious surface?
Ans: 1.24 m
[f] Q.16) What arrangements shall be provided for privacy ?
Ans: Partitions, door, fastener, and when both sex latrines adjoin then there should have separate approaches.
[g] Q.17) What are the conditions for service-type latrine use?
Ans: service chamber shall be provided with an efficient trap door and the receptacle for night soil shall be of galvanized iron.
[h] Q.18) What is the interval of the whitewashing of interior walls, ceilings, and partitions?
Ans: Once at least every 4 months and the date shall be recorded in a book kept at mine for this purpose.
[h] Q.19) Where whitewash is not applicable and what is the process of its washing and its interval?
Ans: Whitewashing is not applicable where walls, ceiling, and partitions are laid in glazed tiles or finished with smooth impervious surfaces but all shall be washed with suitable detergents and disinfectants at least once every 7 days.

what is rule no 35?
Sign boards to be displayed at out side of latrines and urinals.

Q.20) What are the signs to be used for display of latrines or urinals?

Ans: Where both sexes are employed, there shall be displayed outside of each latrine a signboard in the language understood by a majority of work persons “For Males” and “For Females” with figures of “a Man” and “a Woman” respectively.

what is rule no 36?
Provision of water for washing.

Q.21) What are the provisions of water for washing?
[1] Where a piped water supply is available, a sufficient number of water taps, conveniently accessible, shall be provided in or near such latrines.
[2] If the piped water supply is not available, a sufficient quantity of water shall be
kept stored in suitable receptacles near latrines.

what is rule no 37?
Underground latrines.

Q.22) What shall be the scale of latrines in underground workings?
Ans: If in any underground mines, 50 or more persons are employed at any one time Latrine shall be provided on a scale approved by an Inspector.

what is rule no 38?
Sanitation in mines.
what is rule no 39?
Obligation of workpersons.

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