Class (07) = Natural Sources of Drug | Different Types of Natural Sources of Drug (Part-01)

Описание к видео Class (07) = Natural Sources of Drug | Different Types of Natural Sources of Drug (Part-01)

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Sources of drug
Drugs may be obtained from:
1. Plants
2. Animals
3. Mineral / Earth sources
4. Synthetic / Semi-synthetic sources
5. Microbiological sources
6. Genetic engineering.

1. Plant / Vegetable Sources:
This is oldest natural source. Even now some drugs are obtained from the plant source. Drugs can be obtained from all parts of the plants:
1.Digitalis Purpurea Digitoxin and Digoxin cardiac glycosides.
2.Eucalyptus oil of Eucalyptus cough syrup.
3.Tobacco gives nicotine.
4. Atropa belladonna atropine
1. Poppy papaver somniferum morphine (opoid)
2. Vinca rosea gives vincristine and vinblastine which is used as anticancerous agent
3. Rose rose water used as tonic.
1. Nux Vomica strychnine, which is a CNS stimulant.
2. Castor oil gives castor oil used as laxative.
3. Calabar beans Physostigmine, which is cholinomimetic
1. Ipecacuanha root Emetine, used to induce vomiting as in accidental poisoning. It also has amoebicidal properties.
2. Rauwolfia serpentina reserpine, a hypotensive agent.
3. Ashwagandha contain withanolide used as adaptogens.
1. Cinchona bark quinine and quinidine, antimalarial
2. Atropa belladonna atropine, anticholinergic.
1. Chondrodendron tomentosum gives tuboqurarine, which is skeletal muscle relaxant used in general anesthesia
1. Senna pod anthracine purgative (used in constipation)
2. Calabar beans physostigmine cholinomimetic agent
3. Amla source of Vitamin C used as antioxidants

Animal Sources
Various organs & tissue of animals are used as source of drug. Active principles of animal drugs are proteins, oils, fat, enzymes and hormones.
1. Pancreas is a source of Insulin, used in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
2. Cod liver oil contains Vit A & D
3. Urine of pregnant source of hCG used in the treatment of infertility
4. Sheep thyroid source of Thyroxin used to treat thyroid insufficiency.
4. Oxytocin obtained from pituitary gland of cattle and pig but now a day’s prepared by synthetic method. It is used for labour pain during delivery
5. Animal Blood is source of Vaccines.

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