Bully SE: Bullies and Greasers vs. Jocks and Preps - Rematch

Описание к видео Bully SE: Bullies and Greasers vs. Jocks and Preps - Rematch

In the first, third, and fourth rounds, Damon has 800 hp. In the second round, he has 500 hp. The Mascot has 1350 hp. Derby has 500 hp and his boss style. Bif has 500 hp and his boss style. Russell has 650 hp and his boss style. Davis has 200 hp, Johnny has 1700 hp, Peanut has 300 hp, and Norton has 650 hp.
Super Mod 4 by:

0:06 - Round 1
2:18 - Bif and Damon's teamwork
3:41 - Johnny makes Russell's defense fails
6:30 - Round 2
7:21 - That punch didn't touch Ethan
8:30 - For some reason Bif stays away
10:08 - Johnny's glitched kick
11:06 - Johnny helps the Mascot to get up
12:09 - Russell's spear
12:30 -
13:34 - Teamwork
14:03 - Russell's berserk grapple
14:23 - Johnny makes Russell's defense fails
14:57 - Round 3
15:45 - Russell's spear
16:45 - Ted stops Russell's spear
17:01 -
18:31 - Russell's spear
19:10 - Johnny steps back to return relentlessly
20:32 - Russell's berserk grapple
21:13 - Russell smashes the armored statue
22:11 - Boston crab
23:56 - Round 4
25:48 - Ted can't stop Russell's spear in time
26:27 - Derby tries to use the six-hit combo
27:17 - Six-hit combo + Charged punch
27:57 - Bif's special recovery
28:33 - Johnny struggles to defeat Bif
29:39 -
30:19 - Johnny's glitched kick
31:05 -

Recording date: April/27/2020


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