Battle Arena Toshinden - Ellis playthrough

Описание к видео Battle Arena Toshinden - Ellis playthrough

Played on Very Hard difficulty. Also includes Sho fight. Sorry for not making videos for awhile; I was taking a summer break and got side-tracked with thesis stuff.

Ellis is a nimble character, and while most of her attacks seem pretty weak damage-wise, she can wreck havoc fast. Her greatest tool is her weak slash attack; not only it comes pretty fast, it also hit twice and covers rather wide zone and you can combo it easily into other attacks.

In fact, if you hit enemy from behind or side with it, you can pretty much stunlock them and deal some serious damage! Weak kick is also pretty handy for combo-purposes, as it also hits twice and has more reach than weak slash.

As for her specials, Sore Wind is kinda weak, but it does its job. Sickle Dancing in other hand is no joke if you can nail it; a good timed Sickle Dancing can even take half of the opponent's health!


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