Life With Friedreich's Ataxia - Always Changing

Описание к видео Life With Friedreich's Ataxia - Always Changing

We had the opportunity to spend time with two of our Friedreich's Ataxia (FA) families- the DiIorios from Rhode Island and the Helms from Montana, and they generously allowed us to capture a day in their lives on film. They openly show us what life is like with FA- in the daily tasks able bodied people might take for granted as well as the impact of progression over time. Discussing one's challenges, one's fears, is never easy, but both families share their realities with strength, grace and hope for the future.

** This video was shared during the FA Patient Focused Drug Development Meeting on June 2, 2017. Special thanks to the Patient Experience Project/ 32 Mile Media for their work on this piece.


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