自製 Simply Pleasure 梅酒櫻桃茄前菜 | DIY Simply Pleasure Plum Wine Cherry Tomato Appetizer

Описание к видео 自製 Simply Pleasure 梅酒櫻桃茄前菜 | DIY Simply Pleasure Plum Wine Cherry Tomato Appetizer

#關琬潼 #ShadowKwan | #美學日常 #AestheticLifestyle


Aesthetic life comes from simplicity & joy in everyday
Shadow Kwan


如何製作一道 SP - Simply Pleasure 梅酒櫻桃茄前菜?
1/ 準備櫻桃茄
2/ 在櫻桃茄上切十字
3/ 放櫻桃茄入沸水中煮10秒
4/ 去除櫻桃茄皮放入瓶中
5/ 加入切片草莓
6/ 如果你喜歡的話,可加入羅勒
7/ 注入梅酒,放進冰箱冷藏過夜
8/ 與西瓜和食用花一同享用

How to make a "SP - Simply Pleasure" Summer Appetizer?
1/ Prepare the Cherry Tomatoes
2/ Cut a cross on the Peel
3/ Cook in boiling water for 10 seconds
4/ Remove the peel & put in a container
5/ Add sliced strawberries
6/ Add basil if you like
7/ Infuse with plum wine & keep in fridge overnight
8/ Serve with watermelon & edible flower

邀請您到 SP Senses 品嚐更多 Shadow 原創夏日菜品
Invite you to SP Senses to taste more summer gourmet created by Shadow


多謝觀賞!Thanks for watching!

與 Shadow … 一同普及生活美學
Shadow 創辦和出任創作總監的「生活美學空間 Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier」,提供品牌合作、品牌創新、美食設計、美學創作服務。
Popularize Life Aesthetics with Shadow
Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier, founded by Shadow and she is serving as the creative director, provides brand collaboration, brand innovation, gourmet design & aesthetic creations services.

For any inquiries or cooperation, please contact us via email [email protected]

進一步了解 Shadow 如何過詩意生活 ? 歡迎透過以下平台與她聯繫︰
Would like to know more about how Shadow lives a poetic life? Please connect with her via platforms below:

訂閱 Subscribe YouTube: @shadowkwanyuentung
Facebook:   / shadow.love.bliss  
Instagram:   / al_atelier_  


監製 / 導演 / 美學指導 Producer / Director / Artistic Director :關琬潼 Shadow Kwan

導演 / 攝影師 / 後期製片 Director of Photography / Camera / Post-production :張浩正 Joshua Cheung

©️ Aesthetic Lifestyle Atelier 2023 All Rights Reserved


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