Rayman 1: Part 24: The Final Battle Against Mr. Dark & Ending

Описание к видео Rayman 1: Part 24: The Final Battle Against Mr. Dark & Ending

After going through 3 different areas of Candy Chateau, Rayman can now finally face Mr. Dark, himself.

First, Mr. Dark steals your Punch power away by having it hang above you from a rope, he then shoots spiraling blasts at you while also surrounding and blocking you with pillars of fire, you have to dodge it all for a little while until some of the Electoons you saved bring the Fist back to you and free you from your fire prison.


Then Mr. Dark tries another trick: He creates chimera of the game's first 5 bosses: Moskito, Mr. Sax, Mr. Stone, Mama, and Mr. Skops!

The first chimera combines Mr. Stone's body with Mr. Skops' head and claw. Punch his health away everytime he throws his claw.

The second chimera involves two Viking Mamas and their Space Mama laser cannons flying with Moskito's body. You can either punch them, or let their lasers hit each other. Either way, they both share the same health bar.

The third and final chimera combines Moskiro's head, Mama's body, and Mr. Sax's hands and feet together, and on top of this, Rayman is shrunk down for this. Run and dodge this thing's giant stomps and then, punch it after it lands.


But-but... I know I've beaten Mr. Dark's chimeras, but I never got to actually fight the guy, himself. After he left to let his chimera's to beat Rayman, he never showed up again. Did his panic and run away? I just don't know.

I'm glad to have finally beaten this game, but knowing that's how the bad guy is "defeated" kinda leaves me wondering. He never even shows up with a vengeance ANY of the sequels...

Either way, the credits shows multiple pics of Rayman having a great time at the beach with his friends, including the Electoons snowboarding, Tarayzan, and Joe. Even some of the enemies and almost all of the bosses besides Mr. Dark are with them, and they seem to be on good terms, now!

"See You Soon!" ~ Rayman

Compared to other series I've worked on, I'm not sure about making a playthrough of Rayman 2 just yet. I do have the game for PS2, though, but I've never it yet besides the Dreamcast demo.

Stay tuned for more playthroughs and maybe someday I'll tackle that game, too!


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