Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Julius Reubke (Mar Vaqué) at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

Описание к видео Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Julius Reubke (Mar Vaqué) at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

Organist Mar Vaqué performing live the Sonata on the 94th Psalm by Julius Reubke on March 3, 2018, at Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris

(Grave - Larghetto)
1 O Lord God, to whom vengeance belongeth, shew thyself.
(Herr Gott, des die Rache ist, erscheine.)
2 Arise, thou Judge of the world: and reward the proud after their deserving.
(Erhebe Dich, Du Richter der Welt: vergilt den Hoffärtigen, was sie verdienen.)

(Allegro con fuoco)
3 Lord, how long shall the ungodly triumph?
(Herr, wie lange sollen die Gottlosen prahlen?)
6 They murder the widow, and the stranger: and put the fatherless to death.
(Witwen und Fremdlinge erwürgen sie und töten die Weisen)
7 And yet they say the Lord shall not see: neither shall the God of Jacob regard it.
(und sagen: der Herr sieht es nicht an der Gott Jacobs achtet es nicht.)

17 If the Lord had not helped me: it had not failed but my soul had been put to silence.
(Wo der Herr mir nicht hülfe, so läge meine Seele schier in der Stille.)
19 In the multitude of sorrows that I had in my heart: thy comforts have refreshed my soul.
(Ich hatte viel Bekümmernis in meinem Herzen, aber deine Tröstungen ergötzen meine Seele.)

22 But the Lord is my refuge: and my God is the strength of confidence.
(Aber der Herr ist mein Hort und meine Zuversicht.)
23 He shall recompense them their wickedness, and destroy them in their own malice.
(Er wird ihnen Unrecht vergelten und sie um ihre Bosheit vertilgen.)


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