Statistical Process Control Overview and Basic Concepts - What You Need to Know for the CQE Exam

Описание к видео Statistical Process Control Overview and Basic Concepts - What You Need to Know for the CQE Exam

Presented on May 24, 2017

This webinar goes over basic principles of Statistical Process Control (SPC) commonly covered on the ASQ Certified Quality Engineer (CQE) exam. It begins with a general definition of SPC as a prevention oriented approach to managing processes. It discusses the benefits of SPC, the difference between inherent and assignable variation, the role of variables and attribute control charts in implementing SPC, and some general steps for designing and constructing control charts. It also explains the difference between control limits and specification limits and closes with a brief overview of pre-control and short run control charts. A more detailed set of slides to assist in studying for the CQE exam is included.


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