Описание к видео Vul - MARE VS MACHINE (BGM Remix)


We're gonna need more than a border patrol for this one.

A thundering mechanical storm
Approaches us in force
Murder etched in their circuitry
And they'll go unchallenged in their hate
Until they meet my blades
(Oh, whoa, whoa)
I'll grab my laser lasso
(Oh, whoa, whoa)
Prepare for battle

Grab your gun, 'cause here they come
To turn the tide and break those robots down until it's done
Bring your fight, target in sight
It's do or die, but only ruins know who's left alive
Laser beam, kill the machine
As we battle the unnatural, before metal claims our being
Hold the line for all of ponykind
But it's always just a question of how long we'll survive

That's a lotta robots…
Hoo-wee! Now that's what I call a target rich environment!

Ashes to ashes and dust to dust
Once a thriving place of joy now a lifeless husk
We stand together but we can't hold out forever
and now i fear I'll never see my friends again

Where did we go wrong is this where we belong
in the embers of happy times long gone
Is this how it ends at the hooves of our creations
why do they destroy all we've built for so long?

Whispers in the barren wasteland
Echo of a life long past
When a pony still could rest
but there's no time to mourn the lost and drowned
From our towers brought down
(Oh, whoa, whoa)
by our own device
(Oh, whoa, whoa)
Mistakes of ponykind

Grab your gun, 'cause here they come
To turn the tide and break those robots down until it's done
Bring your fight, target in sight
It's do or die, but only ruins know who's left alive
Laser beam, kill the machine
As we battle the unnatural, before metal claims our being
Hold the line for all of ponykind
But it's never just a question of "how awesome am I"


So it's time to settle the score
Operated by hoof no more
Your false gods of harmony
Bow down to the power of machines
Leave no margin for compromise
The future is where every pony dies
Bathe the world in napalm shower
Until victory or death is ours

Alright, that's enough out of you.
Yo, could you chill with that thing? You're making me look uncool in comparison. Now I gotta put shades on to compensate.
What are you doing, Rainbow?

Uh, what is that?
Oh, hey guys, what's up?
Vinyl Scratch? I thought you were dead!
I was! But then they plugged my brains into my console! I'd love to catch up, but the voices in my head are telling me I need to kill you first.
Wait what?
Oh, shoot!
Dammit, it's time to get outta here!
Wait, come back. What are you doing?


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